My Office
Well, now all the Christmas/New Year festivities are over, it's back to the land of work. Here at Davis we make our water through a process known as Reverse Osmosis. Basically what we do is turn sea water into drinking water. This is done by first finely filtering the sea water through the Continuous Micro Filtration plant, and then passing that water through the Reverse Osmosis plant, and finally through a calcite filter to regulate the pH levels. One of my jobs is to monitor the quantity and quality of the water being produced, and to undertake any maintenance required on the equipment. The biggest task is to chemically clean the CMF units, which generally take a day each (there are two), at least once a week. So I spend a fair amount of time each week in the RO building. It's not all bad though, no one bothers me - it's too far away from anything - and i just put the iPod on and sing away to myself all day long.
This is my desk, where I do all the tests on the water samples. Note the erganomically designed stool.
These are the two CMF units, which do the initial filtering of the seawater and then send it to...
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