Davis Winterers, 2007

Bottom: Annette, Tony, Glenn M, Jason, Yogi, Cookie, Denise, Glen H, Didier
We took our group photo recently to go on the wall in the Living Quarters alongside all the previous wintering groups. The decision was made to take the photo down on the old station for a two main reasons - we are the 50th wintering party and the first group's photo was taken there, and this is the last season the old station will be here as it it being removed this year.
On a different subject we had a blizzard here on Friday night. We set a new record for the highest wind recorded at Davis - 97 knots which is 180km/h. I went outside at 90 knots (167km/h) to experience it and it was bloody hard work just standing up. Unfortunately for Paul and Barry there was a problem at the powerhouse which needed to be rectified just as the wind was at it's peak (around 0100 Saturday morning) and they came back exhausted, but safe, after fixing the problem.
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