Time for a shave!
The time had finally arrived for me to have a shave. It was really starting to bug me, and I had been contemplating it for some time. So Wednesday night (being shower day) I decided enough was enough. I thought I would post a before and after shot to record this momentous occasion for prosperity, as it may be some time before it's this long again...
Ned Kelly reborn!
How are you mate!
Ummm, you missed a bit!
Hey Matt - your're not the first one to call me Ned Kelly, the other favourite is that I'm looking like a criminal. All is good down here, I am still having a great time.
And here I was thinking I was going to see a cleanly shaven Brendan. I should have known. Isn't that stuff on your chin itching you though...
Hey there, any chance you're one of the hairy guys on the Antarctica ad they're showing here at the moment? Everyone on it looks the same.
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