Australia Day

Following the run was the much anticipated swim. A few of the braver (read: dumber) ones amongst us decided to brave the icy waters. And it was bloody icy! I lasted a whole 31 seconds. I know because I took my camera in with me - caught it on video. Then it was into the back of one of the Haggs to be transported up to the services building, which is where the spa and sauna are, to thaw out.
I'm 5th from the left - head just out of the water, holding my camera
Photo: G Oakley
After the thawing was complete it was off to lunch (meat pies, sausage rolls and lamingtons) followed by a game of cricket in the green store. The Number Ones got beaten by the Number Twos by two runs, and cricket was definitely the loser on the day. Dinner followed, which was a spit roast and bbq in the dieso's workshop. A few of the guys got into the spirit of the day by wearing patriotic clothing, which lead to the following photo.
Look mum, I'm a hooker! The Davis front row, consisting of Yogi, myself and Dick
Photo: M Ryan
Just for something different, we ended up at the bar for a few refreshing ales, and also to enjoy the open mike session. Once again I couldn't help myself and I got up and sung a few (how many??) songs, highlighted by my guest appearance as the Devil in Tenacious D's "Tribute". The worst thing about the day was that we had to be up for work the next morning. The best thing about the day is that I have rediscovered my ability to function on just over three hours sleep...
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