Thursday, January 04, 2007

What did you see on your way to work today?

This is what I saw. I was walking down to start work in the "waterboy business" this morning, when I was confronted with this little bloke. The last two days have been very windy - up to 48 knots - and all the sea ice has blown out. Literally one day the bay was covered in ice, we woke up the next morning and it was all gone. Almost immediately the wildlife has started to come in. What is most surprising though is that this fella had to wander up through the station about 400m to get to where this shot was taken.
Later in the day 3 elephant seal were spotted wallowing about 150m inland. I have a photo of the seals, but it just doesn't show how big they are. These things are massive - easily 750kg each. I need to get a shot of them with something to scale them against.


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