Thursday, February 15, 2007

SAR Team

Even after the bivvying fiasco, guess who made the SAR team? That's right kids - me! I have been chosen as one of four 'first responders'.

The First Responders head off asap, ahead of the team in most circumstances, to stabilise patient, or do a reconnaissance search in most likely area. Basically what we do is jump on a quad bike and get to the area as soon as is safely possible. The idea is to perform any first aid that my be required. We will also be the first teams out to do a primary search if the position of the person/people is unknown. The Second Responders follow once all equipment is sorted and might perform the technical extraction eg stretcher raise, hagglunds recovery.

So Thursday and Friday of this week, and Monday and Tuesday of next week are being spent doing further training, including further first aid, stretcher raising and lowering, search techniques and procedures and more cliff work with ropes and pulley systems. Monday should be some good fun as we are heading out to jump off cliffs. Tuesday will be 'surprise' SAR incidents all day long to test us out. Looking forward to it. (And the good news is that there are no overnight stays, so there will be no bivvying!)


Blogger Liz said...

Just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again just in case your early morning wake up call wasn't enough. Hope you have a great day and look after your liver. Remember this time 28 years ago I was in ................

5:47 PM  

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