Sunday, January 27, 2008

Australia Day

So another Australia Day has been and gone, and once again we celebrated in style. The highlight for me was the annual Summerers V Winterers cricket match. As the Winterers team was a little light on, I was recruited to play for them. We played to some very dodgy rules and some very dodgy umpiring decisions but a good time was had by all (except for the minor hamstring injury sustained by one of the expeditioners). In the end the Summerers just got over the line.

Due to the severe lack of grass (bloody drought!) the pitch had to be made on the gravel road. It just so happens that we have the resources to build such a strip. A few waters and a few runs with the roller and we had a pretty solid pitch to play on. It broke up a bit later in the match, but still was of no help to the spinners.

Jenn rolling the pitch

The game in full swing

After the cricket it was BBQ time, and this was held out on the deck of the Red Shed. After grazing for an hour or so, it was time to work off lunch with a few hotly contested games of volleyball on the helipad. After that, we all well and truly deserved a bit of quiet time so most of us headed inside to Splinters Bar for a wind down session listening to all the classic Australian hits.

Early Sunday morning we lost 17 people on the last "passenger" flight for the season. There is still one more flight to take people home but these are all going to be Airlink related staff. We are now back down to 43 people having lost all of the science teams.

During the week I was involved in batching and pouring concrete, giving the chippies a hand. Some repair works needed to be carried out on the wharf and the works had to be carried out at the lowest tide for the month as the section to be repaired was under the waterline at high tide. Fortunately for us, the low tides were at about 0900, so there were no early starts. At the same time we also poured a small slab for the Met guys to mount some new piece of weather recording instrument.
Down at the wharf Pouring the slab for the Met equipment
Only two weeks now till the ship turns up (Feb 10). Not long now...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The New Ice Age

The Age newspaper have had a presence here at Casey during last week. Reporter Jo Chandler and photographer Angela Wylie were here from Sunday to Friday doing a series of reports on climate change and the environment down here. Follow the link below to read the reports and see Jo's video diary entries:

And apparently there was also a photo of me in the weekend Age, with a few of the boys at the bar. Angela must have been very quick to get that shot, as I am hardly ever at the bar.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The first ever Australian passenger flight to Antarctica

Airbus A-319

On Thursday evening we were expecting the landing of the first ever passenger flight from Australia to Antarctica. During the day we got word that there were going to be a few dignitaries on the plane for a visit, including Environment Minister Peter Garrett and the Director of the Australian Antarctic Division Tony Press, among others. In the vehicles going up to Wilkins runway there were 6 spare seats for anyone who was keen to go. Of course, more than 6 people were keen to go so a ballot was held. There were 4 seats in the CASA flying up there and 2 in the Hagg driving up there. I was lucky enough to be drawn out, and took one of the seats in the Hagg. We departed Casey at 1930 for the run up the hill. The highlight of the drive up was stopping to get photos as we crossed the Antarctic Circle - a sign has been erected to mark the spot. It really is in the middle of nowhere, there is nothing else to see except for miles and miles of snow and ice.

We were the last ones to arrive at Wilkins, at about 2145, only just beaten by the second CASA flight. It was -17 on the ground with hardly any wind so it wasn't too bad at all. The plane was due to land at about midnight so there was not much to do but wait. Just before midnight we spotted the plane as it turned to make it's approach to the runway. There was no messing around with a fly over, it was straight in to land. And a textbook landing it was.

On approach

Winding down the engines, just as the sun is setting (@ 2355)

Sunrise (@ 0146)
Mr Garrett walked out of the plane, showing off his trademark bald head, but this didn't last for long as he realised that -17 was a bit to cold to be without a beanie. After the official meet and greet session with all the important people they made their way across to us to meet and greet. I chatted with Peter for a while about life down here and what it is like to be away for so long. He was very generous with his time and was a real nice bloke. He was so happy to in Antarctica.
Me with Peter Garrett
After a bit of a tour of the runway, the official party then took to the skies again, this time aboard a CASA for a fly over of the coast, glaciers, icebergs and Casey itself (as it is about 70kms from the runway, this was the only real way they could see the station in the time allowed).
CASA pilots Dave and John, in flight with Peter Garrett in the cockpit (Thanks to Dave for the photo)
During this time we chatted with the scientists who came in on the flight, and also the media were keen to have a chat to us as well. I did an interview with the ABC TV crew, as some of you may have already seen. If you haven't seen it and want to, follow this link and scroll down till you find "Australia-Antarctic air link opens" posted at Fri, 11 Jan 2008 19:13:00.
The CASA returned after 40 minutes and Peter was taken by ute (well actually an F-250) to the end of the runway to enjoy a few minutes of solitude away from all the noise and people. When he came back there was some more time for a chat before a group photo in front of the 319 was organised. It was at this time that Craig, one of the other plumbers, got out his guitar to be signed.

Craig getting his guitar signed, with Richard (one of our chefs) looking on
After a few last minute photos with people it was time for everyone who was going home to get on board. The take off was much more impressive than the landing with the amount of snow that was blown around. It almost looked like a space shuttle hurtling down the runway there was that big a snow cloud pushed out from behind the plane. Dave has also kindly given me a copy of this video so remind me to show it to you when I get home.

Homeward bound
After all the excitement was over, it was time for us to head home. It was 0630 by the time we got back on station with the Hagg unloaded - everyone was pretty tired. But we were also proud to be part of a little bit of Antarctic history.