Thursday, December 28, 2006


Apparently some of the photos can't be opened in a larger size by some people. If you particularly like a photo, email me and I'll send you a larger copy. I have to make them small due to the limited bandwidth down here (there's no place like broadband, there's no place like broadband...), but I can send larger photos. All you have to do is ask.

The Journey part 2

OK so now I have had a change of plans (read: I'm getting lazy). Here are a few of my favourite shots, followed by a short explanation of each. Aren't I just the cleverest thing?

Here are some penguins on an iceberg. Bet you didn't guess that one! This shot was taken on the trip through Iceberg Alley. Jump you little bastards!!! One day I was looking out of one of the bedroom windows, just watching the world go by, when I heard an "oi, Brendan" call. Figuring it wasn't a mermaid or penguin, I looked around to see Jeremy about 10 rooms down also doing the same thing, except with his you-beaut camera. Completely unplanned, but now much copied, this is my favourite photo of me.

This may be one of my least favourite. Nah just kidding. This was after I had paid homage to King Neptune. As we crossed the 60 degree south line, we had to ask for permission from His Highness to enter his realm. First we had to kiss his fish which was presented to us by his lovely wife (who looked alot like the deputy voyage leader in a grass skirt and coconut shell bikini), and then kiss his foot, whilst being stamped, covered in Vegemite and penguin poo (which was a whole lot of flour, water, food colouring, baked beans and god only knows what else). The showering afterwards was interesting - no water pressure, no hot water and being covered in what turned out to be glue. I pity the people who had long hair...

like these two. Bonnie and Lisa (along with everyone else with long hair) spent the next couple of days picking it out of their hair. Some of the guys were OK, as the charity head shave had been done the night before!

Once we hit large amounts of ice, the conditions calmed down incredibly. This shot was taken on a particularly good day, showing the clarity of sky and sea.
The calm conditions also allowed for some other interesting photo opportunities. This is me hanging out of the bow, the hole only big enough to squeeze and arm and my head out, so I found a bigger hole...
so I could fit more of me out! This is on the starboard side, just behind the pointy bit. This was much more comfortable, so much so that I figured I should take a photo whilst hanging out, and here is the result...
Here you see Nigel, Chris, Kate, Lisa, Brad and Nick trying to figure out what the hell I am doing. Jump you little bastards!!!
I guess this is why we went down in an icebreaker.
The pointy bit is also the strong bit.At the end of a long trip, I had some very mixed emotions about arriving here at Davis. On one hand I was very excited to finally get here. On the other, I was very apprehensive as to what the next 12 months had in store for me. I was also sad to be leaving some of the guys who I had spent the last 2 months training with in Hobart who were going on to Casey. It was also very sad to be leaving some wonderful people who I had met and spent a lot of time with on the ship. What made it even worse was the fact that I was well down on the fly off list, and assumed that I wouldn't be getting off till after going to the Chinese base, but of course things went very well with moving people on station and I barely had time to grab my bags, let alone say a proper goodbye to everyone I wanted to. So to everyone who was on board with me - GOODBYE! I wish you all the best for the coming seasons, be it the summer or the winter, and I really hope to catch up with some of you again - especially the other members of the cool kids gang. I'll see you again someday. I'm trying to talk Cookie into letting me hitch a ride to Casey with one of the planes, but I'm not holding my breath!
Once I had gotten into the chopper, I was very excited about my first flight. Unfortunately it was too short, as the AA had managed to park very close to station. It only took about 2 minutes to get on land, and this was probably the best aerial shot of Davis I managed to get. Where's all the white stuff???

After a few hectic days of change over the AA had returned from the Chinese base, to finish cargo ops, deliver the rest of the summer team, and take home the previous winterers. As a send off, a few of us found some out of date flares (my, that was convenient!) and waved farewell to our friends on board. That's it Mum, I'm locked in now, the ship is gone. The next time we see this sight (March), that will be it for the winter team, all 18 of us, until about November. This time was some fun, not too sure about next time...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The journey part 1

well dressed for a trip south???

After many delays, we finally got underway. The first night heading down the Derwent river was a most pleasurable start. Almost immediately the hacky sack came out on the helideck and was just about the most common past time on the ship. With the smooth start, everyone had high hopes for the rest of the journey. It wasn't to be. Some of the guys were taken down the next day with sea sickness, some weren't to be seen until a week or so later. Some even spent time with the doc on IV fluids - but not me! I had an absolute ball on the ship. I only ever missed breakfasts, cause i was always up too late from the night before playing cards, darts, spotlight, indoor soccer, trivial pursuit, pictionary, twister (quite difficult in 6m side swells!) or just chatting to many wonderful new friends. A few of us decided to take over the disused bar (it's a dry ship now...) and we turned it into our personal entertainment area, playing tunes and dvds and just hanging out. There was a group of us who were dubbed the cool kids gang (by ourselves!) and if there was anything fun happening we had usually caused it. Hi Bonnie, Lisa and Nick! You crazy cats are a fantastic bunch, you really made the trip as good as it was. Thanks trendsetters...

Me, Bonnie, Nick, and Lisa, with Chris

One of the more entertaining things that happened was a good old fashioned cabin stuffing. On walking into my room one day I was confronted with four people (a little squashy for a three berth cabin), so decided to see just how many people we could get in there. Unfortunately, it was just on dinner time so we struggled to get all the people I wanted. After we all took photos from various vantage points, we all filed out. The final count was 43 people. I estimate we could have squeezed in 60ish as we didn't utilise the bathroom (lack of people), but the bar has now been set, and the rumour is that a well organised attempt will be carried out as the ship heads over to Casey.

Alright, who farted?!?!

When we saw our first iceberg, i think we nearly melted the poor bugger, so many flashes were going off. The iceberg sweep hadn't even started yet, and conveniently the berg wouldn't have counted anyway, the crew declared it too small. We didn't see another one for two days, but then it was on. The few hours of twilight gave us some interesting colours to backdrop some of the bergs.The most amazing time was on the final approach into Davis, through an area known as Iceberg Alley. A few of us got up at 0530 to see this and we weren't disappointed. Words just can't describe how fantastic it was.

Paul in front of our first berg

One of the stars of Iceberg alley

That's all I have got time for at the moment, I really need to sleep. We had Christmas yesterday, the 26th, because the Aurora Australis was in port unloading cargo and picking up people, and i didn't get to bed till 0730 this morning....

*Some of the photos for the next couple of posts may not be mine, thanks go to Nick, Lisa and Bonnie for kindly sharing some of their brilliant shots with me (and each other).

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I'm here (or there)

Brrr its cold. No, not really - quite mild today. I have finally made it to Antarctica. When i get a chance I will post some photos and a bit of info, but now i'm going to bed for my first night on a new continent....

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Let's Away!

Ok trendsetters, it finally looks like it is happening. Sailing today at 1730...

We had send off drinks last night at Custom's House, and it was a good opportunity for those who didn't already have a Hawaiian shirt to get one. The Hawthorn footy club were in town having a bad shirt night, and most were willing to give us their shirts when we asked (some were free, others cost a beer!)

Now we are just killing time before we head down to the wharf for all our final pre departure briefings. I want to say thanks to everyone who has left a message on my blog, please continue to do so - I'm still waiting for Keryn to leave me a message though :-)...

For the next 15 days there will be no updates as we don't have web access on the ship, but we do have access to emails. My email address when we are on the ship is slightly different to the one I am using now - instead of, on the ship it is (the first bit of the address is still the same). Please feel free to mail me.

Ok that's it for now, next post will be in a few weeks!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Another delay!!!

Voyage 2,
Unfortunately the repairs done to the fuel tanks on Aurora Australis failed to hold when the tanks were filled and the ship needs further work. Voyage 2 will not depart until Friday morning at the earliest. A further update will be given by 1700 tomorrow.
The briefings scheduled for 0800 on Wednesday will proceed as planned so that we can update all expeditioners on the situation and so that the briefings are out of the way. Any issues with accomodation can be raised at this meeting. Those Davis expeditioners that have fly off unaccompanied personal effects (in excess to the 30kg cabin baggage) will be asked to consign it on Wednesday.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Final confirmation has just come through, we are now sailing on Wednesday 6th December, leaving at 1730.

Fun with the family

Some of the Davis crew and families
Dad, Mum, Daniel & Marney

Mum at the top of Mt Wellington