Hello ladies and gentlemen,
Well I’m halfway through day two, and it looks like life here in Hobart is going to be good fun. Yesterday a few of us newbies ended up in a sort of induction program, but were pulled out after lunch; apparently we weren’t supposed to be there. It’s all a bit crazy here at the moment because Voyage 1 leaves on Thursday and everyone is focused on them. Wednesday night is the customary drinks session before a voyage sails, so that should be good fun.
So far I have met most of the wintering crew – our Station Leader (SL) Graham Cook, Chef Tony, the other plumber Jason, Plant Inspector (PI) Glen, carpenter Yogi (he worked with Phil Q when he went south), comms guys glen and Trevor, Trades Assistant Matt and the LIDAR operator Didier. I asked Didier what LIDAR was all about, within earshot of Graham (SL), and he came and physically pulled me away. Apparently the explanation Didier gives is very boring. In short it is a beam of light that shoots up into the sky and looks good in photos!!!
Today we had training on the computerised maintenance system we use down south (some of you may be familiar with it, MAXIMO). It was supposed to last all day, but was finished by lunch time. So now we are checking, and rechecking, our emails. Tomorrow we have an asbestos awareness course, Thursday it’s height and chemical safety, and Friday is construction safety. Things get really fun next week, with forklift and loader training all week.
For those of you who don’t know, I’m coming home on the 22nd November (wed), and will be back in Hobart on the 27th November (Monday). I am also going to be able to make it up to Brisbane for the pearl jam concerts! Make me up a bed Carly! The weekend of the 4th & 5th November I will be spending on the search and rescue training. Sailing date is still Monday December 1.
Now I’m going to fill out my alcohol order for the year. I am allowed to order up to 44 slabs, or the equivalent in spirits, or combination of both. At $17.60 for a 1.125l bottle of beam, I’m going to be nice and warm for the winter!
Cheers for now,
**Note: Please don’t send me huge amounts of “joke” emails, especially ones with large attached files. Some carefully considered (i.e. not inappropriate) would be good but don’t add me to your send to lists. Thanks